Writing essays tips
Social Problems Essay Topics
Thursday, August 27, 2020
RUSSIAN NUCLEAR EXPERTS WROTE REPORT FOR U.S. Exposition Not exactly a year after the breakdown of the Soviet Union, a gathering of Russias topatomic-weapons researchers consented to offer to the United States a huge, mystery investigation of Soviet atomic weaponstesting, giving firsthand data about Cold War occasions extending over four decades, accordingto reports and meetings with key Russian members. The history venture, which was driven by Alexander Tchernyshev, a hypothetical physicist at Russias firstnuclear-weapons research facility, remains covered in mystery both in Russia and the United States. Be that as it may, the extent of the undertaking a nitty gritty, 2,000-page history of 715 Soviet atomic tests more than 41 years isunprecedented, and seems to have given the United States important experiences into Soviet military and scientificprocedures. It could likewise help U.S. experts better plan to screen any future atomic blasts by roguestates that challenge another prohibition on atomic tests. Beginning in December 1992, Tchernyshev and around 200 different researchers composed the history under agreement tothe U.S. Guard Special Weapons Agency for an expense of $288,501. At that point, the researchers were sufferingeconomically and the United States was attempting to keep them from taking their atomic weapons know-howelsewhere. The data the researchers gave was the target of a long and exorbitant location and observing effortby the United States during the Cold War. By filling in the holes, the history will help the Pentagon betterunderstand Russian methodology, and change its frameworks to permit better observing of tests later on. As per a 10-page framework of the report, a great part of crafted by the Russian researchers seems to have beenon logical topics, for example, estimations of radioactivity and the effect of atomic tests on the earth andpeople. The history didn't legitimately dig into the plan or sending of the Soviet and now Russian atomic weapons store, and would presumably not influence atomic technique or arms control. Tchernyshev said the Russian researchers didn't disclose state privileged insights. Notwithstanding, he recognized that theinformation was touchy. He said all the material was screened by a Russian declassification process, andwe have the archives to demonstrate it.Robert Norris, senior expert with the Natural Resources Defense Council in Washington, has followed Sovietand U.S. atomic testing for 10 years. He depicted the Russian undertaking as a potential knowledge gold minefor U.S. strategy creators. The 200 creators each got about $500, Tchernyshev stated, with the rest going to assessments and costs. Atthe time, the normal month to month wage in Russia was $38.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Concepts and principles of emergency management Essay
Ideas and standards of crisis the executives - Essay Example In Australia, most recent insights on auto collisions appear to show that street mishaps are expanding in recurrence; street passings related to such fender benders are likewise expanding. In 2005, Australia previously positioned seventh out of 15 created countries for street passings per 100 million vehicle kilometers voyaged (Fallah, 2007). Crises - are â€Å"incidents that compromise open wellbeing, wellbeing and government assistance (Department of Environmental Management, n.d, p. 1). Crises may likewise change in size, area, causes, and impacts; yet paying little mind to contrasts in such components, they all register with different ecological impacts. They are additionally characterized by the Emergency Management Institute (n.d) as unforeseen occurrences or occasions which imperil lives or property, thus requiring dire and routine reactions through network assets and techniques. Models include: street blocking avalanches, long force blackouts, woodland fires, episodes of ailments, and warmth waves (Central Coast Center Independent Living, n.d). There were two slides in Australia from 1939 to 2007; 28 were murdered and around 101 people were influenced (CRED, 2007). There were 28 out of control fires from 1939 to 2007 and this caused the passing of around 300 people and harms up to 1.2 million US dollars (CRED, 20 07). There was one scourge from 1939 to 2007. No passings and no harms were accounted for however 6 individuals were influenced (CRED, 2007). Catastrophes are characterized by Emergency Management Australia (2004, p. ix) as â€Å"a condition or circumstance of huge devastation, disturbance as well as pain to a community†. The United Nations (1992) characterize a debacle as â€Å"a genuine disturbance of the working of society, causing far reaching human, material, or natural misfortunes which surpass the capacity of influenced society to adapt utilizing its own resources†(UN Glossary, 1992).
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Writing Topics in English PDF For Free Online
Essay Writing Topics in English PDF For Free OnlineSeveral writers and editors would love to see a list of essay writing topics in English PDF for free online. I am not talking about keyword stuffing here. What I mean is that they will want you to provide them with ideas and topics for essay writing.A good essay topic is an integral part of the writing process. Unless you are equipped with a specific purpose and a topic for each project, you may run the risk of becoming unfocused and lose focus on the main idea.How do you find a good essay topic? Well, I will provide you with some information that can help you accomplish this task. However, you must realize that some people have a better idea of what to do than others, but when you have a lot of work to do, the best way to solve this problem is to hire a professional editor who is good at selection and editing your essay.If you are going to hire someone, make sure that they are not only good in finding topics, but also know the topic inside out. What is important to remember is that they have to be able to tell you what the main theme is of your assignment. Of course, your topic may be about 'personal development', 'anxiety', 'health' or any other such topic that you may have in mind.Once you find a person or organization that you think is capable of helping you find a topic, let them help you by giving you an outline of the main theme. This will prevent you from looking for the 'easy solution' to your problem. The main theme should relate to your writing project, but at the same time, it should show you how to write about the topic.Your role as a writer is to develop a plot for your essay, based on the outline provided by the editor. This is essential, as you will need to write and create a strong thesis statement and the introduction. In addition, you must be able to write in a clear and precise manner, while addressing the audience of your essay.Once you are through writing a few sentences, it is now time to proofread them to ensure that you still have not made mistakes and even further proofreading those basic sentences. If you feel that you are done with the writing process, then you can move onto the introduction of your essay. In fact, if you are having difficulties in finding essay writing topics in English PDF for free online, you may want to hire a professional editor to provide you with the outline and other relevant information.Essay writing topics in English PDF are not just mere advertising tools for students, yet they may well prove to be quite helpful as you search for a topic. If you decide to provide your ideas to a professional for essay writing, make sure that you take the right decision. You will have to be patient and you will end up writing the best essay possible.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Cyber Security and Technology Essay - 1097 Words
Introduction In today’s world technology has evolved to the point where a large amount of information is stored in cyberspace. It is because of this type of storage people around the world have an easier time at accessing information than ever before. The time before the late 20th century gathering information was long and tedious to get a book that the library did not own would take at least a couple of weeks depending on the time period or it may not have been possible to obtain that book. But now people can access a vast amount of information in a matter of minutes. Example, in modern times if someone wanted to know about a different culture they could simple look up the information on a computer or any device that had access to†¦show more content†¦Imagine if you were an employee of a large credit card corporation such as Visa or MasterCard. You can make up to $90,000 a year but all of a sudden your bank account was $0.00 along with all your coworkers, bosses and the company s tock dropped to zero. There would be panic, chaos and disorder due to everyone losing their money. The culprit of such a chaotic situation was a result of a cyber-attack by a hacker. The cyber attacker hacked into the system and caused the databases to transfer all of the money into some bank accounts elsewhere. This is just one example of cyber terrorism and all the damage it is can do to people lives. Businesses corporations are usually not targets of terrorism, but government databases usually are targeted. Cyber terrorist often try to hack into government databases and steal information that would be valuable to America but dangerous in the hands of terrorist. Through cyber-attacks information for nuclear weapons, shut down codes or other government secrets can be gained by a number of terrorist organizations. â€Å" cyber-attacks on our nation private sector and government networks have increased dramatically in the past decade†( www.fbi.gov) This increase in attacks me ans that there is a higher chance that terrorist can shut major power grids and leave millions without power or disrupt the stock market to cause mass panic in theShow MoreRelatedCyber Security And Information Technology760 Words  | 4 PagesWith this being a small section of the overall interview a lot was played to the bear of reality of how much still needs to be learned. With the point about our nation, intellectual property, cyber warfare, and attacks on financial institutions. This was a video recording from 2013 about situations happening during that time. Not being able to see into the future of what would happen what still needs to be learned and what has worked. With the point on Sharing information back and forth with theRead MoreCyber Security And Technology Detection System922 Words  | 4 PagesIf a collection of technologies designed to form a tool to safeguard computers, data and networks from unauthorized access or attacks, then this tool can be named as cyber security. To guarantee the safety of a system a tool should be able to detect an anomaly or intrusion. Thus this tool set consist of at least an Intrusion detection system. The system tries to prevent intrusion by having firewalls and tries to eliminate the damage done by the use of antivirus. Attacks can be classified as â€Å"knownRead MoreAnalysis Of The Cyber Security Industry Essay1514 Words  | 7 PagesAnalysis of the Cyber Security Industry Cyber security is a fast-growing industry. With more and more persons using connected devices as part of their daily lives, there is an increasing need for security. Not only are individuals in need of cyber security solutions but also corporations and governments are acutely aware of the dangers of hacking. As a result of the need, the cyber security industry is expected to reach $170 billion by 2020 (Morgan 2015). To understand this industry, it is importantRead MoreThreat Vectors For Cyber Security965 Words  | 4 PagesThreat Vectors There are three main areas identified as threat vectors for cyber security in relation to CIP: IT networks, insider threats, and equipment and software. Normally, ICS operate on an internal network, called OT (Operational Technology). Occasionally, this isolated network requires a connection to the organization’s corporate network (IT) for routine operation and management. As displayed in the Ukraine blackout, cyber threats infiltrate an organization’s IT systems in order to access ICSRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effects On The Environment1538 Words  | 7 Pagesallowed people around the world to be interconnected each other to exchange ideas, services, or friendship. The development of technology and information systems has brought numerous advantages in various sectors of life including government, industry, banking, commerce, and so on. Consequently, there is a growing dependency on the utilization of the information technology. Canada along with the other develo ped countries has increasingly relying on internet services and information systems for multipleRead MoreEssay On Cyber Security747 Words  | 3 PagesIntel is one of the most reputable technology brands within Silicon Valley but also worldwide. Our reach expands to every corner of the globe, hence the information we possess is crucial. Whether it be information about buyers or the code that helps make our technology superior to every other company’s. Our cyber security needs to be the strongest possible. Many companies and technology giants such as Sony, Lenovo, and Equifax have had their information stolen or altered. Although, the odds of ourRead MoreCyber Crime And Cyber Criminals844 Words  | 4 Pages Cyber crime is defined as any crime that involves a computer and network. Individuals, businesses and government agencies around the world constantly face threats to their medical information, consumer data, as well as company trade information and military decisions. Cyber security specialists are professionals that are specifically trained to protect individuals and organizations from cyber crime, hackers and scammers. Cyber criminals cause chaos Cyber criminals take pride in creating chaosRead MoreThe Threat Of Cyber Attacks943 Words  | 4 PagesCyber-attacks are constantly becoming a critical issue for government systems and for businesses around the world. In fact, the cyber challenges that we see today play a huge political factor for government sectors. The U.S is constantly facing these cyber security threats that jeopardize America’s critical infrastructure and the freedoms that many Americans express online (Bucci, S., Rosenzweig, P., Inserra, D. 2013). These challenges that are taking a political factor can also be seen in otherRead MoreTop Three Trends in your profession and associated industry Annotated Bibliography1499 Words  | 6 PagesThe top three trends in the Cyber Security field are salary, career advancement, and the need for predictions of the future in how information is exchanged. Cyber-crimes are becoming more popular and because of the many attacks that are happening much more frequently it has caused for a higher demand in cyber security professionals. Companies spend millions of dollars to correct security breaches within their organization. Back in 2008 the salary range for IT security professionals were in the $80Read MoreThe Faceless Threat : Cyber Security And Critical Infrastructure1306 Words  | 6 PagesThe Faceless Threat: Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Our society continues to promote a culture that perpetuates overdependence on technology to monitor complex Internet-based systems. Thus, the U.S cannot ignore the devastation that could ensue from an attack by a nation-state, cyber terrorist, or hacker. As discussed in the 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, the number of CIKR systems that depend on the Internet or data processing networks for seamless operations are increasing
Friday, May 15, 2020
PHL 215 Version 6 Moral Social And Political Philosophy...
University of Phoenix Material Moral, Social, and Political Philosophy Matrix and Essay Part 1 Matrix: Analyze moral, social, and political philosophy by completing the following matrix. Provide a definition of the branch of philosophy as given in a philosophical source (the readings, supplemental materials, or outside academic sources) and list a minimum of three historical developments, theories, key contributors, and principal issues. Bullet point answers are acceptable. Field Definition Historical Developments Schools Of Thought Key Contributors Principal Issues Moral Principals of right and wrong in behavior and ethical code Good moral judgment, The†¦show more content†¦Social philosophy deals with various topics in other philosophical categories such as sociology, study of humans, and so on. Social theory has overlap some of its politeness within authority issues. â€Å"Social theory addresses more than informal matters such as the social structure of voluntarily formed groups, such as the social power of a celebrity. In this way, we can compare legal power, such as that of a governor, with social power. Social philosophy also deals with social values. Social values can relate to morality, especially in regards to moral theories that define morality by what society encourages and discourages. For this reason, social philosophy can overlap with morality and moral values†. Social philosophy and political philosophy also work hand in hand. Political philosophy reflects on the political system such as cultural practices, economic system, and our pattern of family life. Political philosophy has been around for many centuries. Political philosophy accepted amount many different cultures around the world, and it could also noticeable in various ways. The main purpose of political philosophy is to establish principles within reason that justify particular practices. Western philosophy relates to our search and knowledge of the truth and how the evolution of culture today came to be. Including all principles and the source of ethical decision making, Western philosophy is found to be at the root of it all. It was first discovered in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racism Is Not Cured Of It, And The Pursuit Of Happiness
President Obama said, â€Å"Racism, we are not cured of it, and it is not just a matter of it is not polite to say nigger in public. Society’s don’t overnight completely erase things that happened two to three hundred years’ prior.†(â€Å"Obama’s Candid Reflection†,2016). According to Shirley Better (2008) institutional racism denotes patterns, procedures, practices, and policies that operate within social institutions to consistently penalize, disadvantage, and exploit individuals who are members of the nonwhite racial/ethnic groups. It is a strategy made to maintain privilege and economic advantage. There is a basic injustice that exists in the United States, that overrides a basic right in this country to liberty, freedom and the pursuit of†¦show more content†¦For 189 years’ millions of African Americans became involuntary immigrants (Library of Congress, 2008). In 1619 20 African Americans arrived in Jamestown, Virginia on a Dutch vessel. The next slaves arrived in Amsterdam and then New York and by 1690 there were slaves in every colony (Tanner, 2016). Europeans, Africans and Americans were benefiting from the profitable trade of humans. It was never intended that African Americans would become citizens of the United States of America. So, when Thomas Jefferson dictated â€Å"All men are created equal†in 1776, it was to his surprise, as a slave owner himself, that this would include slaves as well (Historical Timeline, 2006). As politicians and business men were supporting and benefiting from the slave trade they were themselves fighting for independence from England (Historical Timeline, 2006). Yet they could not understand how it was righteous for slaves to fight for their independence as well (Historical Timeline, 2006). There were many trade routes to bring the African Americans to the United States and to Europe. Manufactured goods from Colonial America were taken to West Africa; slaves were carried to the Caribbean and Southern Colonies; and sugar, molasses, and other goods were returned to the home ports. Many of the ports were controlled by the English, Dutch, French, and Danish. The slave trade was flourishing in the 1700’s. WestShow MoreRelatedSources of Ethics20199 Words  | 81 Pagesthus religion, even in its rudest form, gave a sanction to the rules of morality, long before the age of artificial reasoning and philosophy. That the terrors of religion should thus enforce the natural sense of duty, was too much importance to the happiness of mankind for nature to leave it dependent upon the slowness and uncertainty of philosophical researches (emphasis added)†. Smith (p. 281) goes on to say, â€Å"The regard to the propriety of action, as well as to reputation; the regard toRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesneed to increase organizational efï ¬ ciency and effectiveness has guided the evolution of management theory. †¢ Explain the principle of job specialization and division of labor, and tell why the study of person-task relationships is central to the pursuit of increased efï ¬ ciency. †¢ Identify the principles of administration and organization that underlie effective organizations. †¢ Trace the changes in theories about how managers should behave to motivate and control employees. †¢ Explain the contributions
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Student Mentorship Mentoring Nursing Students
Question: Discuss about theStudent Mentorshipfor Mentoring Nursing Students. Answer: Mentoring Nursing Students Nursing is a practice based on discipline and as argued by Allan H he argues that there are impediments to efficient and non-effective unfair custom when training the nurses. These include a lack of awareness about how cultural differences affect mentoring during their period of management practice .The impediments may exhibit a scarcity of ethical training in the aspect of cultural diversity in healthcare. He argues that over the experiences he has had through his constant interviews, he has collected empirical data shows that nurses are victimized against their studying by underprivileged mentoring(Allan, 2010). Mentors lacked the skills and knowledge to equip the student mentors to help acquire the knowledge required in the nursing field hence he recommends for programs to help improve mentoring skills among the mentors. The mentoring skills are further discussed by Levette jones that dwell on student mentor relationships whereby she says that there are various obstacles to efficient and non- unfair practice when mentoring. These comprise a scarcity of understanding about how traditional variances affect learning and mentoring for nursing students throughout their phase of management practice. These various barriers thus exhibit a scarcity of effectual training of principled exercise in the setting of social multiplicity in healthcare(Halcomb, Peters, Mcnnes, 2012). She goes further to support her argument by conducting various interviews and from the data collected we see a clear view of how nurses are victimized from their studying by lowly mentoring exercises. It also appears that the mentors are not properly equipped as they are associated with cultural diverse backgrounds. She concludes her research by recommending mentors to attend forums and even programs to better their skills. Li.H.Wang also further stresses the urge to have peer mentoring as this reduces stress and increases confidence among the students.by this we see the students identify and apply the insights they have learnt to improve on their career. He stresses that the peer counseling sessions give the students a glimpse of what to expect in and hence the exchange of innovative ideas that by the help of the mentors impacts greater skills to the students. Wilson A.M.E says that mentors help and access training practices. Despite exploration to elucidate anticipations and foster support constructions, mentors however report being overcome by the duty of mentoring besides undertaking other medical job. The need to multi task becomes tiresome to them hence understanding their lived experience becomes limited. Despite this mentors need still to be prepared so as not to impact ill skills to the students. Through this, Wilson carries out interviews and through his research he obtains helpful data. He says that mentorship needs the self-education(Kim, Oliver, Riingen, Taylor, Rankin, 2013). He concludes that the use of personal education gives understanding into the existed knowledge of counselors, and also discovers potentiality unseen components of mentoring knowledge that can inform mentor planning and backing. Once a mentor is prepared, this reduces the tasks ahead and reduces the level of anxiety. Personal touch is felt between the stu dent and mentors and this gives them ample time to express their knowledge to the students.in return we see the students having positive innovative abilities to cope with the nursing techniques hence producing better nurses. Research Methods Qualitative research is a method that involves interpretation and understanding the social work of different people in the social work. Assessing the livelihood experiences of people is done through qualitative research. Nursing experiences can be captured through using the different qualitative research methods. These methods include; helpful links, qualitative interviews, express observation and participant observation. Express Observation In this method the following are ways used to gather Data concerning nursing techniques whereby the mentor is able to directly observe and maintain contact with the student therefor they will get actively engaged in conversations and interviews enabling the actual message to be conveyed efficiently. This method will enable the student to get the actual raw facts about nursing making them have knowledge since they get the information at first hand level from the mentor .the mentor is also able to have personal touch with the students and this dispels off fear, as result there is a personal conversation with the mentor creating a conducive environment for both the parties easing the work load of the mentor(Levette, Lathlean, Higgins, McMillan, 2009). Through direct observation trust is gained between the mentor and the student. The mentor becomes part and parcel of the social setting of the student he/she engages with thus bringing the confidence of the mentor to be able to display th e desired information that will be useful in the course study. Advantages of Direct Observation This method is advantageous as opposed to other methods in that it offers contextual data on individuals, settings and interactions. Direct observation also dispels off fear, as the mentor is able to know whether the information being relayed reaches the students. Partaker Observation It is said to be a research field method where the person doing the research is required to develop a good understanding of a specific society or setting. The researcher does this by participating rituals and routines that take place everyday in the specific part that he or she is observing. This research method is said to have been developed in the early twentieth century. Some anthropologists that were studying about different societies in the developing states started it. The method is now widely used by many researchers. Benefits of Partaker Observation It enables the researcher to develop a clear and rich understanding of a particular set of people in the society. Types of data collected from partaker observation Primary data: The ethnographer notes down the experiences and observations and later progress them into comprehensive, proper field records. Normally, researchers have a journal that is habitually a more cozy, casual documentation of the undertakings inside the locale. The exercise of partaker inspection, with its stress on building connection with colleagues, frequently results in informal, casual interviews and more official, cutting-edge- depth questions. The facts from such interviews may become part of notes from the field or can comprise of distinct interview transcriptions. Type of Data Collection Method During the research concerning the mentorship of nursing students, I used the method below since it the most conducive and favorable for my research and was easy to carry out in my premises of my research. I used the method of interview since it is more convenient and one gets the first hand information from the available persons making me have a wider knowledge concerning the student mentorship. The methods under discussion include; Qualitative Research Interviews It is widely known as a type of qualitative research interview methodology that extracts data and information through the participation of nursing students members. The method is further broken down into other types i.e. open-ended; semi-structured; conversational and standardized. Casual intimate interviews are more convenient as it engages one to directly get the data concerning the student mentorship as it directly involve with observation. I makes one to get the raw facts about the mentorship concerning the students making the students have wide knowledge concerning the course thus encouraging them to venture into nursing(Li, Wang, Lin, Lee, 2011). This method is also appropriate as it makes one to be able to capture more of the required information about the mentorship since you start communicating with a colleague from a locale and as the dialogue develops, the researcher begins to frame particular queries, frequently the queries are unprompted and starts querying them casually and is also suitable as the examiner is adaptable to go after ideas and topics as they emerge during the exchange concerning the student mentorship. It allows the researcher to be able to respond to personal variances and to apprehend developing info. Semi-structured interviews is also a major way of doing my research as it encompasses officially enlisting a participant from a locale for the precise purposefulness of the mentorship of student nurses of conducting an interview as it makes the person to be able to get the necessary data. This method is suitable as it makes the interviewer to systematically capture data across the interviewees making you to get the information concerning the mentorship of the nursing students(Wilson, 2004). It is also more advantageous as it has questions in form of open minded nature, this will enable the interviewee to be able to be free and be able to give out the relevant information needed to an extent of making them to able give more information concerning the nurses. This will make one to have a personal relationship with the relevant persons making one to collect more information from the interviewees thus increasing their knowledge concerning the mentorship of nursing students making the students to feel more encouraged. Standardized, open-ended interviews are also convenient as it also involves observation about the mentorship as the queries are cautiously framed and inscribed earlier to the meeting. It helps to decrease inconsistency in query phrasing about mentorship of nursing students(Halcomb, Peters, Mcnnes, 2012). It also makes one to be able to comparably get the data concerning the mentorship of nurse students as it is fitting for qualitative trainings comprising several assessors making one to collect variety of data since you able to obtain them from different people with different ideas enabling one to have more information to be able to give to the students thus making them feel more encouraged in the department of nursing and thi s makes them to enjoy the course and will enable the nursing students to be able to work hard towards achieving their goals for the their brighter future. Organisational policies, procedures and protocols that need to be considered when planning a research study The people planning to do a research must have all the necessary experience and skills to carry out the research. They must be professional and exhibit enough expertise in the research field. Assessments of all the necessary resources required or are to be used must be done well like facilities, clinical support and biological resources, funding and the staff. The research study must be carried out within the available means and the resources must be well utilized. The main objective of the research must be clearly documented in a well-maintained system. The research must adhere to organizations ethical standards, policies, relevant legal requirements and the safety practices. Organizations must put in place clear governance systems for carrying out research. Schedule Research Project Title Student Mentorship Aim The research aims to address the way nurses treat their patients. To equip the nurses with necessary ethical ways of treating their patients. Approach The research will approach the issue by engaging with the nursing students face to face to get their comments on the issues that they face. Design I will be using different design methodologies like interviews, participant observation etc. Participants Nurses, Nursing students and patients and other stakeholders Timeframe The research will be carried out for about one and a half weeks. Costs The research cost will be about $ 3,000 for it to be successfully completed. Benefits Improvement in the way nurses treats and view their patients. Improve healthcare services by equipping the nurses with the necessary skills and expertise. Evaluation Data Analysis. It is a systematic way of employing analytical or statistical approaches to demonstrate and explain, outline and summarize to appraise records. How to analyse the data in a proposed research project I would analyse my data using the statistics that I would have collected from the interviews and observations that I will have collected. Possible barriers to the proposed research and how would you overcome these? Lack of enough resources; seeking funding from well-wishers Lack of cooperation from the participants; putting in necessary measures like being friendlier when carrying out the research. Some participants may not give the correct information; verifying the information. How to determine if a research is valid, useful and cost effective The research will be valid and necessary if what is being researched is of great importance to the society as a whole like improving the healthcare services. One method of disseminating the research findings. Presenting at conferences This method will enable me to clearly present my findings to many people across the healthcare sector. Which of the following words would be the best synonym (substitute) for reliability Usefulness References Allan, H. (2010). Mentoring overseas nurses: Barriers to effective and non-discriminatory mentoring practices. Nursing ethics 17(5), 603-613. DOI: 10.1177/0969733010138747 Halcomb, E. J., Peters, K., McInnes, S. (2012). Practice nurses experiences of mentoring undergraduate nursing students in Australian general practice. Nurse education today, 32(5), 524-528. Kim, S. C., Oliver, D., Riingen, M., Taylor, B., Rankin, L. (2013). Randomized controlled trial of graduate-to-undergraduate student mentoring program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(6), e43-e49. Levette Jones, T, Lathlean, J, Higgins, I McMillan, M. (2009). Staff-student relationship and their impact on nursing students belongingness and learning. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(2), 316-324. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04865x Li, H, Wang, L. S, Lin, Y, Lee, I. (2011). The effect of a peer-mentoring strategy on student nurse stress reduction in clinical practice. International Nursing Review, 58(2), 203-210.Available from the CINAHL database. Wilson, A.M.E (2004). Mentoring student nurses and the educational use of self: A hermeneutic phenomenological study. Nurse Education Today 34(3), 313-318. Doi: 10.1016/. Nedt.2013.06.103 Bibliography Agresti, A., Kateri, M. (2011). Categorical data analysis (pp. 206-208). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Brod, M., Tesler, L. E., Christensen, T. L. (2009). Qualitative research and content validity: developing best practices based on science and experience. Quality of Life Research, 18(9), 1263-1278. Grimshaw, J. M., Eccles, M. P., Lavis, J. N., Hill, S. J., Squires, J. E. (2012). Knowledge translation of research findings. Implementation science, 7(1), 1.
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