Saturday, January 4, 2020
Media Violence Prevalence And Effects On Society . American
Media Violence: Prevalence and Effects on Society American adolescents spend a major amount of time consuming media, weather that is watching television or a movie, playing a video game, or even scrolling through social media apps. This is a large exposure to the media and its content including the violence presented on so many media platforms. Media has become so standard in everyday life that many people have become addicted to it. The targeted group of this addiction is the children since they are most influence able at an early age. Some of the violence shown are so close to reality or have become reality. It makes you wonder why the media violence is not being censored. For over many decades, Americans have grown concerned on the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Multinational, multimedia corporations have a huge financial interest in promoting the consumption of violent media around the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Simmons 13). So essentially all the entertainment companies are banking on the American society, even if it is damagin g the minds of some people. Some may argue that these companies are giving the viewers what they want, but how can they possibly know what viewers want when media is everywhere. For example, the movie industry claims to be diverse but seems to follow the same stereotypes and claim this is what viewers want. However, society is never given the chance to express how they feel, but are forced to watch what is produced. The media has complete control over what is mass produced and society. The conglomerates only care about who they advertise to and how they do it for their financial gain. The youth is targeted when it comes to marketing, media and this is accomplished by age compression. Age Compression is the marketing to the twelve and under crowd, pitching violence to gain attention. These corporations will disregard any moral unethical tactics for their own purpose. The multimedia industries have been asked to regulate the violence that is displayed, but this would not help ratings or their pockets. With many people being exposed to excessive amounts of media violence, the question is asked, does media violence have harmful effects? The answer is yes, it has damaging effects on society andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children873 Words  | 4 Pages According to the Media Education Foundation, once a child reaches eighteen years of age, they have witnessed around 200,000 acts of violence and 16,000 murders ( Our society loves entertainment and a grand portion of this entertainment contains violence. Children constantly consume violent visuals, due to their prevalence. Majority of our society is uninterested in the effects of media violence since its effects do not show immediately. 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