Thursday, August 27, 2020
RUSSIAN NUCLEAR EXPERTS WROTE REPORT FOR U.S. Exposition Not exactly a year after the breakdown of the Soviet Union, a gathering of Russias topatomic-weapons researchers consented to offer to the United States a huge, mystery investigation of Soviet atomic weaponstesting, giving firsthand data about Cold War occasions extending over four decades, accordingto reports and meetings with key Russian members. The history venture, which was driven by Alexander Tchernyshev, a hypothetical physicist at Russias firstnuclear-weapons research facility, remains covered in mystery both in Russia and the United States. Be that as it may, the extent of the undertaking a nitty gritty, 2,000-page history of 715 Soviet atomic tests more than 41 years isunprecedented, and seems to have given the United States important experiences into Soviet military and scientificprocedures. It could likewise help U.S. experts better plan to screen any future atomic blasts by roguestates that challenge another prohibition on atomic tests. Beginning in December 1992, Tchernyshev and around 200 different researchers composed the history under agreement tothe U.S. Guard Special Weapons Agency for an expense of $288,501. At that point, the researchers were sufferingeconomically and the United States was attempting to keep them from taking their atomic weapons know-howelsewhere. The data the researchers gave was the target of a long and exorbitant location and observing effortby the United States during the Cold War. By filling in the holes, the history will help the Pentagon betterunderstand Russian methodology, and change its frameworks to permit better observing of tests later on. As per a 10-page framework of the report, a great part of crafted by the Russian researchers seems to have beenon logical topics, for example, estimations of radioactivity and the effect of atomic tests on the earth andpeople. The history didn't legitimately dig into the plan or sending of the Soviet and now Russian atomic weapons store, and would presumably not influence atomic technique or arms control. Tchernyshev said the Russian researchers didn't disclose state privileged insights. Notwithstanding, he recognized that theinformation was touchy. He said all the material was screened by a Russian declassification process, andwe have the archives to demonstrate it.Robert Norris, senior expert with the Natural Resources Defense Council in Washington, has followed Sovietand U.S. atomic testing for 10 years. He depicted the Russian undertaking as a potential knowledge gold minefor U.S. strategy creators. The 200 creators each got about $500, Tchernyshev stated, with the rest going to assessments and costs. Atthe time, the normal month to month wage in Russia was $38.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Concepts and principles of emergency management Essay
Ideas and standards of crisis the executives - Essay Example In Australia, most recent insights on auto collisions appear to show that street mishaps are expanding in recurrence; street passings related to such fender benders are likewise expanding. In 2005, Australia previously positioned seventh out of 15 created countries for street passings per 100 million vehicle kilometers voyaged (Fallah, 2007). Crises - are â€Å"incidents that compromise open wellbeing, wellbeing and government assistance (Department of Environmental Management, n.d, p. 1). Crises may likewise change in size, area, causes, and impacts; yet paying little mind to contrasts in such components, they all register with different ecological impacts. They are additionally characterized by the Emergency Management Institute (n.d) as unforeseen occurrences or occasions which imperil lives or property, thus requiring dire and routine reactions through network assets and techniques. Models include: street blocking avalanches, long force blackouts, woodland fires, episodes of ailments, and warmth waves (Central Coast Center Independent Living, n.d). There were two slides in Australia from 1939 to 2007; 28 were murdered and around 101 people were influenced (CRED, 2007). There were 28 out of control fires from 1939 to 2007 and this caused the passing of around 300 people and harms up to 1.2 million US dollars (CRED, 20 07). There was one scourge from 1939 to 2007. No passings and no harms were accounted for however 6 individuals were influenced (CRED, 2007). Catastrophes are characterized by Emergency Management Australia (2004, p. ix) as â€Å"a condition or circumstance of huge devastation, disturbance as well as pain to a community†. The United Nations (1992) characterize a debacle as â€Å"a genuine disturbance of the working of society, causing far reaching human, material, or natural misfortunes which surpass the capacity of influenced society to adapt utilizing its own resources†(UN Glossary, 1992).
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Writing Topics in English PDF For Free Online
Essay Writing Topics in English PDF For Free OnlineSeveral writers and editors would love to see a list of essay writing topics in English PDF for free online. I am not talking about keyword stuffing here. What I mean is that they will want you to provide them with ideas and topics for essay writing.A good essay topic is an integral part of the writing process. Unless you are equipped with a specific purpose and a topic for each project, you may run the risk of becoming unfocused and lose focus on the main idea.How do you find a good essay topic? Well, I will provide you with some information that can help you accomplish this task. However, you must realize that some people have a better idea of what to do than others, but when you have a lot of work to do, the best way to solve this problem is to hire a professional editor who is good at selection and editing your essay.If you are going to hire someone, make sure that they are not only good in finding topics, but also know the topic inside out. What is important to remember is that they have to be able to tell you what the main theme is of your assignment. Of course, your topic may be about 'personal development', 'anxiety', 'health' or any other such topic that you may have in mind.Once you find a person or organization that you think is capable of helping you find a topic, let them help you by giving you an outline of the main theme. This will prevent you from looking for the 'easy solution' to your problem. The main theme should relate to your writing project, but at the same time, it should show you how to write about the topic.Your role as a writer is to develop a plot for your essay, based on the outline provided by the editor. This is essential, as you will need to write and create a strong thesis statement and the introduction. In addition, you must be able to write in a clear and precise manner, while addressing the audience of your essay.Once you are through writing a few sentences, it is now time to proofread them to ensure that you still have not made mistakes and even further proofreading those basic sentences. If you feel that you are done with the writing process, then you can move onto the introduction of your essay. In fact, if you are having difficulties in finding essay writing topics in English PDF for free online, you may want to hire a professional editor to provide you with the outline and other relevant information.Essay writing topics in English PDF are not just mere advertising tools for students, yet they may well prove to be quite helpful as you search for a topic. If you decide to provide your ideas to a professional for essay writing, make sure that you take the right decision. You will have to be patient and you will end up writing the best essay possible.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Cyber Security and Technology Essay - 1097 Words
Introduction In today’s world technology has evolved to the point where a large amount of information is stored in cyberspace. It is because of this type of storage people around the world have an easier time at accessing information than ever before. The time before the late 20th century gathering information was long and tedious to get a book that the library did not own would take at least a couple of weeks depending on the time period or it may not have been possible to obtain that book. But now people can access a vast amount of information in a matter of minutes. Example, in modern times if someone wanted to know about a different culture they could simple look up the information on a computer or any device that had access to†¦show more content†¦Imagine if you were an employee of a large credit card corporation such as Visa or MasterCard. You can make up to $90,000 a year but all of a sudden your bank account was $0.00 along with all your coworkers, bosses and the company s tock dropped to zero. There would be panic, chaos and disorder due to everyone losing their money. The culprit of such a chaotic situation was a result of a cyber-attack by a hacker. The cyber attacker hacked into the system and caused the databases to transfer all of the money into some bank accounts elsewhere. This is just one example of cyber terrorism and all the damage it is can do to people lives. Businesses corporations are usually not targets of terrorism, but government databases usually are targeted. Cyber terrorist often try to hack into government databases and steal information that would be valuable to America but dangerous in the hands of terrorist. Through cyber-attacks information for nuclear weapons, shut down codes or other government secrets can be gained by a number of terrorist organizations. â€Å" cyber-attacks on our nation private sector and government networks have increased dramatically in the past decade†( This increase in attacks me ans that there is a higher chance that terrorist can shut major power grids and leave millions without power or disrupt the stock market to cause mass panic in theShow MoreRelatedCyber Security And Information Technology760 Words  | 4 PagesWith this being a small section of the overall interview a lot was played to the bear of reality of how much still needs to be learned. With the point about our nation, intellectual property, cyber warfare, and attacks on financial institutions. This was a video recording from 2013 about situations happening during that time. Not being able to see into the future of what would happen what still needs to be learned and what has worked. With the point on Sharing information back and forth with theRead MoreCyber Security And Technology Detection System922 Words  | 4 PagesIf a collection of technologies designed to form a tool to safeguard computers, data and networks from unauthorized access or attacks, then this tool can be named as cyber security. To guarantee the safety of a system a tool should be able to detect an anomaly or intrusion. Thus this tool set consist of at least an Intrusion detection system. The system tries to prevent intrusion by having firewalls and tries to eliminate the damage done by the use of antivirus. Attacks can be classified as â€Å"knownRead MoreAnalysis Of The Cyber Security Industry Essay1514 Words  | 7 PagesAnalysis of the Cyber Security Industry Cyber security is a fast-growing industry. With more and more persons using connected devices as part of their daily lives, there is an increasing need for security. Not only are individuals in need of cyber security solutions but also corporations and governments are acutely aware of the dangers of hacking. As a result of the need, the cyber security industry is expected to reach $170 billion by 2020 (Morgan 2015). To understand this industry, it is importantRead MoreThreat Vectors For Cyber Security965 Words  | 4 PagesThreat Vectors There are three main areas identified as threat vectors for cyber security in relation to CIP: IT networks, insider threats, and equipment and software. Normally, ICS operate on an internal network, called OT (Operational Technology). Occasionally, this isolated network requires a connection to the organization’s corporate network (IT) for routine operation and management. As displayed in the Ukraine blackout, cyber threats infiltrate an organization’s IT systems in order to access ICSRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effects On The Environment1538 Words  | 7 Pagesallowed people around the world to be interconnected each other to exchange ideas, services, or friendship. The development of technology and information systems has brought numerous advantages in various sectors of life including government, industry, banking, commerce, and so on. Consequently, there is a growing dependency on the utilization of the information technology. Canada along with the other develo ped countries has increasingly relying on internet services and information systems for multipleRead MoreEssay On Cyber Security747 Words  | 3 PagesIntel is one of the most reputable technology brands within Silicon Valley but also worldwide. Our reach expands to every corner of the globe, hence the information we possess is crucial. Whether it be information about buyers or the code that helps make our technology superior to every other company’s. Our cyber security needs to be the strongest possible. Many companies and technology giants such as Sony, Lenovo, and Equifax have had their information stolen or altered. Although, the odds of ourRead MoreCyber Crime And Cyber Criminals844 Words  | 4 Pages Cyber crime is defined as any crime that involves a computer and network. Individuals, businesses and government agencies around the world constantly face threats to their medical information, consumer data, as well as company trade information and military decisions. Cyber security specialists are professionals that are specifically trained to protect individuals and organizations from cyber crime, hackers and scammers. Cyber criminals cause chaos Cyber criminals take pride in creating chaosRead MoreThe Threat Of Cyber Attacks943 Words  | 4 PagesCyber-attacks are constantly becoming a critical issue for government systems and for businesses around the world. In fact, the cyber challenges that we see today play a huge political factor for government sectors. The U.S is constantly facing these cyber security threats that jeopardize America’s critical infrastructure and the freedoms that many Americans express online (Bucci, S., Rosenzweig, P., Inserra, D. 2013). These challenges that are taking a political factor can also be seen in otherRead MoreTop Three Trends in your profession and associated industry Annotated Bibliography1499 Words  | 6 PagesThe top three trends in the Cyber Security field are salary, career advancement, and the need for predictions of the future in how information is exchanged. Cyber-crimes are becoming more popular and because of the many attacks that are happening much more frequently it has caused for a higher demand in cyber security professionals. Companies spend millions of dollars to correct security breaches within their organization. Back in 2008 the salary range for IT security professionals were in the $80Read MoreThe Faceless Threat : Cyber Security And Critical Infrastructure1306 Words  | 6 PagesThe Faceless Threat: Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Our society continues to promote a culture that perpetuates overdependence on technology to monitor complex Internet-based systems. Thus, the U.S cannot ignore the devastation that could ensue from an attack by a nation-state, cyber terrorist, or hacker. As discussed in the 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, the number of CIKR systems that depend on the Internet or data processing networks for seamless operations are increasing
Friday, May 15, 2020
PHL 215 Version 6 Moral Social And Political Philosophy...
University of Phoenix Material Moral, Social, and Political Philosophy Matrix and Essay Part 1 Matrix: Analyze moral, social, and political philosophy by completing the following matrix. Provide a definition of the branch of philosophy as given in a philosophical source (the readings, supplemental materials, or outside academic sources) and list a minimum of three historical developments, theories, key contributors, and principal issues. Bullet point answers are acceptable. Field Definition Historical Developments Schools Of Thought Key Contributors Principal Issues Moral Principals of right and wrong in behavior and ethical code Good moral judgment, The†¦show more content†¦Social philosophy deals with various topics in other philosophical categories such as sociology, study of humans, and so on. Social theory has overlap some of its politeness within authority issues. â€Å"Social theory addresses more than informal matters such as the social structure of voluntarily formed groups, such as the social power of a celebrity. In this way, we can compare legal power, such as that of a governor, with social power. Social philosophy also deals with social values. Social values can relate to morality, especially in regards to moral theories that define morality by what society encourages and discourages. For this reason, social philosophy can overlap with morality and moral values†. Social philosophy and political philosophy also work hand in hand. Political philosophy reflects on the political system such as cultural practices, economic system, and our pattern of family life. Political philosophy has been around for many centuries. Political philosophy accepted amount many different cultures around the world, and it could also noticeable in various ways. The main purpose of political philosophy is to establish principles within reason that justify particular practices. Western philosophy relates to our search and knowledge of the truth and how the evolution of culture today came to be. Including all principles and the source of ethical decision making, Western philosophy is found to be at the root of it all. It was first discovered in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racism Is Not Cured Of It, And The Pursuit Of Happiness
President Obama said, â€Å"Racism, we are not cured of it, and it is not just a matter of it is not polite to say nigger in public. Society’s don’t overnight completely erase things that happened two to three hundred years’ prior.†(â€Å"Obama’s Candid Reflection†,2016). According to Shirley Better (2008) institutional racism denotes patterns, procedures, practices, and policies that operate within social institutions to consistently penalize, disadvantage, and exploit individuals who are members of the nonwhite racial/ethnic groups. It is a strategy made to maintain privilege and economic advantage. There is a basic injustice that exists in the United States, that overrides a basic right in this country to liberty, freedom and the pursuit of†¦show more content†¦For 189 years’ millions of African Americans became involuntary immigrants (Library of Congress, 2008). In 1619 20 African Americans arrived in Jamestown, Virginia on a Dutch vessel. The next slaves arrived in Amsterdam and then New York and by 1690 there were slaves in every colony (Tanner, 2016). Europeans, Africans and Americans were benefiting from the profitable trade of humans. It was never intended that African Americans would become citizens of the United States of America. So, when Thomas Jefferson dictated â€Å"All men are created equal†in 1776, it was to his surprise, as a slave owner himself, that this would include slaves as well (Historical Timeline, 2006). As politicians and business men were supporting and benefiting from the slave trade they were themselves fighting for independence from England (Historical Timeline, 2006). Yet they could not understand how it was righteous for slaves to fight for their independence as well (Historical Timeline, 2006). There were many trade routes to bring the African Americans to the United States and to Europe. Manufactured goods from Colonial America were taken to West Africa; slaves were carried to the Caribbean and Southern Colonies; and sugar, molasses, and other goods were returned to the home ports. Many of the ports were controlled by the English, Dutch, French, and Danish. The slave trade was flourishing in the 1700’s. WestShow MoreRelatedSources of Ethics20199 Words  | 81 Pagesthus religion, even in its rudest form, gave a sanction to the rules of morality, long before the age of artificial reasoning and philosophy. That the terrors of religion should thus enforce the natural sense of duty, was too much importance to the happiness of mankind for nature to leave it dependent upon the slowness and uncertainty of philosophical researches (emphasis added)†. Smith (p. 281) goes on to say, â€Å"The regard to the propriety of action, as well as to reputation; the regard toRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesneed to increase organizational efï ¬ ciency and effectiveness has guided the evolution of management theory. †¢ Explain the principle of job specialization and division of labor, and tell why the study of person-task relationships is central to the pursuit of increased efï ¬ ciency. †¢ Identify the principles of administration and organization that underlie effective organizations. †¢ Trace the changes in theories about how managers should behave to motivate and control employees. †¢ Explain the contributions
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Student Mentorship Mentoring Nursing Students
Question: Discuss about theStudent Mentorshipfor Mentoring Nursing Students. Answer: Mentoring Nursing Students Nursing is a practice based on discipline and as argued by Allan H he argues that there are impediments to efficient and non-effective unfair custom when training the nurses. These include a lack of awareness about how cultural differences affect mentoring during their period of management practice .The impediments may exhibit a scarcity of ethical training in the aspect of cultural diversity in healthcare. He argues that over the experiences he has had through his constant interviews, he has collected empirical data shows that nurses are victimized against their studying by underprivileged mentoring(Allan, 2010). Mentors lacked the skills and knowledge to equip the student mentors to help acquire the knowledge required in the nursing field hence he recommends for programs to help improve mentoring skills among the mentors. The mentoring skills are further discussed by Levette jones that dwell on student mentor relationships whereby she says that there are various obstacles to efficient and non- unfair practice when mentoring. These comprise a scarcity of understanding about how traditional variances affect learning and mentoring for nursing students throughout their phase of management practice. These various barriers thus exhibit a scarcity of effectual training of principled exercise in the setting of social multiplicity in healthcare(Halcomb, Peters, Mcnnes, 2012). She goes further to support her argument by conducting various interviews and from the data collected we see a clear view of how nurses are victimized from their studying by lowly mentoring exercises. It also appears that the mentors are not properly equipped as they are associated with cultural diverse backgrounds. She concludes her research by recommending mentors to attend forums and even programs to better their skills. Li.H.Wang also further stresses the urge to have peer mentoring as this reduces stress and increases confidence among the this we see the students identify and apply the insights they have learnt to improve on their career. He stresses that the peer counseling sessions give the students a glimpse of what to expect in and hence the exchange of innovative ideas that by the help of the mentors impacts greater skills to the students. Wilson A.M.E says that mentors help and access training practices. Despite exploration to elucidate anticipations and foster support constructions, mentors however report being overcome by the duty of mentoring besides undertaking other medical job. The need to multi task becomes tiresome to them hence understanding their lived experience becomes limited. Despite this mentors need still to be prepared so as not to impact ill skills to the students. Through this, Wilson carries out interviews and through his research he obtains helpful data. He says that mentorship needs the self-education(Kim, Oliver, Riingen, Taylor, Rankin, 2013). He concludes that the use of personal education gives understanding into the existed knowledge of counselors, and also discovers potentiality unseen components of mentoring knowledge that can inform mentor planning and backing. Once a mentor is prepared, this reduces the tasks ahead and reduces the level of anxiety. Personal touch is felt between the stu dent and mentors and this gives them ample time to express their knowledge to the return we see the students having positive innovative abilities to cope with the nursing techniques hence producing better nurses. Research Methods Qualitative research is a method that involves interpretation and understanding the social work of different people in the social work. Assessing the livelihood experiences of people is done through qualitative research. Nursing experiences can be captured through using the different qualitative research methods. These methods include; helpful links, qualitative interviews, express observation and participant observation. Express Observation In this method the following are ways used to gather Data concerning nursing techniques whereby the mentor is able to directly observe and maintain contact with the student therefor they will get actively engaged in conversations and interviews enabling the actual message to be conveyed efficiently. This method will enable the student to get the actual raw facts about nursing making them have knowledge since they get the information at first hand level from the mentor .the mentor is also able to have personal touch with the students and this dispels off fear, as result there is a personal conversation with the mentor creating a conducive environment for both the parties easing the work load of the mentor(Levette, Lathlean, Higgins, McMillan, 2009). Through direct observation trust is gained between the mentor and the student. The mentor becomes part and parcel of the social setting of the student he/she engages with thus bringing the confidence of the mentor to be able to display th e desired information that will be useful in the course study. Advantages of Direct Observation This method is advantageous as opposed to other methods in that it offers contextual data on individuals, settings and interactions. Direct observation also dispels off fear, as the mentor is able to know whether the information being relayed reaches the students. Partaker Observation It is said to be a research field method where the person doing the research is required to develop a good understanding of a specific society or setting. The researcher does this by participating rituals and routines that take place everyday in the specific part that he or she is observing. This research method is said to have been developed in the early twentieth century. Some anthropologists that were studying about different societies in the developing states started it. The method is now widely used by many researchers. Benefits of Partaker Observation It enables the researcher to develop a clear and rich understanding of a particular set of people in the society. Types of data collected from partaker observation Primary data: The ethnographer notes down the experiences and observations and later progress them into comprehensive, proper field records. Normally, researchers have a journal that is habitually a more cozy, casual documentation of the undertakings inside the locale. The exercise of partaker inspection, with its stress on building connection with colleagues, frequently results in informal, casual interviews and more official, cutting-edge- depth questions. The facts from such interviews may become part of notes from the field or can comprise of distinct interview transcriptions. Type of Data Collection Method During the research concerning the mentorship of nursing students, I used the method below since it the most conducive and favorable for my research and was easy to carry out in my premises of my research. I used the method of interview since it is more convenient and one gets the first hand information from the available persons making me have a wider knowledge concerning the student mentorship. The methods under discussion include; Qualitative Research Interviews It is widely known as a type of qualitative research interview methodology that extracts data and information through the participation of nursing students members. The method is further broken down into other types i.e. open-ended; semi-structured; conversational and standardized. Casual intimate interviews are more convenient as it engages one to directly get the data concerning the student mentorship as it directly involve with observation. I makes one to get the raw facts about the mentorship concerning the students making the students have wide knowledge concerning the course thus encouraging them to venture into nursing(Li, Wang, Lin, Lee, 2011). This method is also appropriate as it makes one to be able to capture more of the required information about the mentorship since you start communicating with a colleague from a locale and as the dialogue develops, the researcher begins to frame particular queries, frequently the queries are unprompted and starts querying them casually and is also suitable as the examiner is adaptable to go after ideas and topics as they emerge during the exchange concerning the student mentorship. It allows the researcher to be able to respond to personal variances and to apprehend developing info. Semi-structured interviews is also a major way of doing my research as it encompasses officially enlisting a participant from a locale for the precise purposefulness of the mentorship of student nurses of conducting an interview as it makes the person to be able to get the necessary data. This method is suitable as it makes the interviewer to systematically capture data across the interviewees making you to get the information concerning the mentorship of the nursing students(Wilson, 2004). It is also more advantageous as it has questions in form of open minded nature, this will enable the interviewee to be able to be free and be able to give out the relevant information needed to an extent of making them to able give more information concerning the nurses. This will make one to have a personal relationship with the relevant persons making one to collect more information from the interviewees thus increasing their knowledge concerning the mentorship of nursing students making the students to feel more encouraged. Standardized, open-ended interviews are also convenient as it also involves observation about the mentorship as the queries are cautiously framed and inscribed earlier to the meeting. It helps to decrease inconsistency in query phrasing about mentorship of nursing students(Halcomb, Peters, Mcnnes, 2012). It also makes one to be able to comparably get the data concerning the mentorship of nurse students as it is fitting for qualitative trainings comprising several assessors making one to collect variety of data since you able to obtain them from different people with different ideas enabling one to have more information to be able to give to the students thus making them feel more encouraged in the department of nursing and thi s makes them to enjoy the course and will enable the nursing students to be able to work hard towards achieving their goals for the their brighter future. Organisational policies, procedures and protocols that need to be considered when planning a research study The people planning to do a research must have all the necessary experience and skills to carry out the research. They must be professional and exhibit enough expertise in the research field. Assessments of all the necessary resources required or are to be used must be done well like facilities, clinical support and biological resources, funding and the staff. The research study must be carried out within the available means and the resources must be well utilized. The main objective of the research must be clearly documented in a well-maintained system. The research must adhere to organizations ethical standards, policies, relevant legal requirements and the safety practices. Organizations must put in place clear governance systems for carrying out research. Schedule Research Project Title Student Mentorship Aim The research aims to address the way nurses treat their patients. To equip the nurses with necessary ethical ways of treating their patients. Approach The research will approach the issue by engaging with the nursing students face to face to get their comments on the issues that they face. Design I will be using different design methodologies like interviews, participant observation etc. Participants Nurses, Nursing students and patients and other stakeholders Timeframe The research will be carried out for about one and a half weeks. Costs The research cost will be about $ 3,000 for it to be successfully completed. Benefits Improvement in the way nurses treats and view their patients. Improve healthcare services by equipping the nurses with the necessary skills and expertise. Evaluation Data Analysis. It is a systematic way of employing analytical or statistical approaches to demonstrate and explain, outline and summarize to appraise records. How to analyse the data in a proposed research project I would analyse my data using the statistics that I would have collected from the interviews and observations that I will have collected. Possible barriers to the proposed research and how would you overcome these? Lack of enough resources; seeking funding from well-wishers Lack of cooperation from the participants; putting in necessary measures like being friendlier when carrying out the research. Some participants may not give the correct information; verifying the information. How to determine if a research is valid, useful and cost effective The research will be valid and necessary if what is being researched is of great importance to the society as a whole like improving the healthcare services. One method of disseminating the research findings. Presenting at conferences This method will enable me to clearly present my findings to many people across the healthcare sector. Which of the following words would be the best synonym (substitute) for reliability Usefulness References Allan, H. (2010). Mentoring overseas nurses: Barriers to effective and non-discriminatory mentoring practices. Nursing ethics 17(5), 603-613. DOI: 10.1177/0969733010138747 Halcomb, E. J., Peters, K., McInnes, S. (2012). Practice nurses experiences of mentoring undergraduate nursing students in Australian general practice. Nurse education today, 32(5), 524-528. Kim, S. C., Oliver, D., Riingen, M., Taylor, B., Rankin, L. (2013). Randomized controlled trial of graduate-to-undergraduate student mentoring program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(6), e43-e49. Levette Jones, T, Lathlean, J, Higgins, I McMillan, M. (2009). Staff-student relationship and their impact on nursing students belongingness and learning. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(2), 316-324. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04865x Li, H, Wang, L. S, Lin, Y, Lee, I. (2011). The effect of a peer-mentoring strategy on student nurse stress reduction in clinical practice. International Nursing Review, 58(2), 203-210.Available from the CINAHL database. Wilson, A.M.E (2004). Mentoring student nurses and the educational use of self: A hermeneutic phenomenological study. Nurse Education Today 34(3), 313-318. Doi: 10.1016/. Nedt.2013.06.103 Bibliography Agresti, A., Kateri, M. (2011). Categorical data analysis (pp. 206-208). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Brod, M., Tesler, L. E., Christensen, T. L. (2009). Qualitative research and content validity: developing best practices based on science and experience. Quality of Life Research, 18(9), 1263-1278. Grimshaw, J. M., Eccles, M. P., Lavis, J. N., Hill, S. J., Squires, J. E. (2012). Knowledge translation of research findings. Implementation science, 7(1), 1.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
An essay on Arthur Millers Death of A Salesman.
An essay on Arthur Millers Death of A Salesman. What are the basic elements of tragedy? Arthur Miller believes that the common man is just as fitting to be a tragic figure as a king. However, this argument can be supported as well as it can be argued. The most common elements in a tragedy are that the figure be of noble status, have at least one tragic flaw, and gain tragic awareness before losing their life. Willy Loman can be considered a tragic figure as well as just plain pathetic. The characteristic of blind faith is the deciding factor on whether Willy Loman is tragic, pathetic, or both.Willy Loman can be considered a tragic figure because he has a tragic flaw which eventually leads to his death. Miller also considers Loman to be a tragic figure because he is a common man that everyone can relate to. Willy Loman's major tragic flaw was his blind faith that if you work hard you will succeed, and his faith in the goodness of people.Blind Faith (book)Miller also commented that, "... the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we ar e in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down his life... to secure... his sense of personal dignity." (pg 1) This description fits Willy Loman because he was willing to die to provide for his family and to keep his "dignity." Another characteristic that Loman possessed was that he feared people no longer respected him and viewed him as a salesman, he realized that people were laughing at him and making fun of him. "The quality in such plays that does shake us, however, derives from the underlying fear of being displaced,... being torn away from our chosen image of what and who we are in this world. ... it is the common man who knows...
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
The Battle of Iwo Jima essays
The Battle of Iwo Jima essays War is hell. Theres no doubt about it. Its so terrifying that it sends chills down peoples spines just thinking about. It is the one thing that can give freedom, yet at the same time suck the life-the soul from someone. Picture this: you just landed on a foreign beach with thousands of other invading American soldiers. The sound of bombs exploding all around you is deafening. The enemys fire has already made it impossible to take a step let alone breathe. Theres panic, but its an organized panic. Your sweating palms are loosening your death grip on your assault rifle. You sense the ice rushing through your veins. Fear. Bullets are whizzing past your head ever which way, and your fellow soldiers are being gunned down as if they were tissue paper. There are screams of extreme pain and agony. The stench of dirt and warm blood makes you feel nauseated. The only thing you are thinking about is getting out of there alive and in one piece. This may seem like just another scene you only see in movies, but this is similar to what actually happened at the battle of Iwo Jima. This historic battle was one of the most significant battles during WWII. First of all, the island of Iwo Jima was of strategic importance to both Japan and the United States. This 7.5 square mile sulfurous island was vital to Japan because it was considered to be Japanese turf, and it was located only 650 miles from Japans capital city, Tokyo. In all of Japans 5,000 year history, no foreign army has every set foot on Japanese soil (Japanese). If the U.S. invaded Iwo Jima, the significance of that would surely turn some heads. To the Japanese leadership, the capture of Iwo Jima meant the battle for Okinawa, and the invasion of Japan itself, was not far off (Battle). Iwo Jimas importance, to the United States, was none other than its convenient location. Iwo Jima rested halfway ...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Introduction for lab report Iron in Soil and Coal Essay - 1
Introduction for lab report Iron in Soil and Coal - Essay Example Coal falls in the group of organic contaminants of soil. The iron concentration on in coal is limited compared to the iron in soil. As a result, the carbonaceous soils from coal mineral wastes provide an effective control for acidity in leachate. Iron appears in different forms in the soil. Its concentration in the soil can affect the drinking water due to the environmental concentrations in some parts of the world. This calls for the need for measuring the iron concentration in soil and coal. Various analytical methods are available for arsenic measurement in various environmental samples. Some of them include neuron activation, hydride generation atomic absorption and the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Most of these approaches require expensive equipment to measure the iron concentration in soil. However, the Spectrophotometer is effective equipment in measuring the iron in coal and soil. The sample is placed in a hydrochloric acid solution followed by a measurement of Spectrophotometer using silver diethyldithiocarbamate which is the reagent that forms colour. From the colour outcome, the concentration of iron in the coal or soil is determined (Paolo Desogus
Friday, February 7, 2020
Women and Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Women and Terrorism - Essay Example Once so defined, those affected may become international lepers. Hence the nature of their movement; its objectives, ideology, and historical reason for being will be dismissed out of hand. The second stage in the 20th century transformation of terrorism was the growth of state sponsorship. Historically, the representation of women increases during the second wave of terrorism, although it is never very high. Also, the proportion of "supporters" relative to "regulars" and "leaders" grows in the second wave. Yet when researchers look at their places of birth and adult residence, the case for the diffusion of neo-Fascist terrorism by expansion weakens (Mason 37). Measured both in terms of where they were born and resided the early neo-Fascists were a more geographically dispersed collection of people than the later ones. So far as the terrorists' gender is concerned, somewhat surprisingly the late leftists did not show a statistically significant increase in female representation as against the early contingent (Mason 38). There is a shift, however, in the kinds of women who appear during the second period. The data suggest an increase in the proportion of married women who participated in the left-wing groups. The most famous [women terrorist] is Ulrike... Furthermore, second generation women were more likely to play leadership roles in these groups than were women who joined the earlier formations. Palestinian women terrorist leadership has been sufficiently successful that it may have provided at least some motivation for the September 11 attacks. States which are unable to confront their enemies conventionally have provided every imaginable assistance to terrorist groups in order to weaken their enemies physically or morally. Although the original acts of Palestinian terror have brought some international condemnation upon the perpetrators, Israeli responses have resulted in even worse condemnation for Israel (Bassam 83). Formal U.N. reprimands weaken Israel's moral position, which affects its relations with the U.S. Government. Ironically, the attacks have not weakened the Israelis physically; if anything, the attacks have moved the Israelis to new levels of proficiency in eradicating the threat. A crucial factor in the rise to prominence of the women participation has been the evolution of modes of violent behavior over time. If violence is viewed as an ongoing component in human relationships, rather than as a moral consideration, it is clear that the eras of conventional warfare and, in turn, nuclear warfare, have been respectively organized, institutionalized, and for the most part deterred (with no guarantee over future breakdowns) (Neuberger and Valentini 24). As persons have devised capabilities to deal with these forms of violence, it is not surprising that advocates of violence have turned to unconventional forms of warfare-first guerrilla warfare (liberation movements), and eventually to
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Perform an experiment Essay Example for Free
Perform an experiment Essay I am going to perform an experiment on friction and the variables of friction using a wooden block, a piece of string and a Newton meter. I will test 3 variables: weight, surface area and surface texture. Each test will be repeated 5 times to get a fair range of results. Friction is the force of two objects rubbing together and slowing and/or stopping each other. The amount of friction produced depends on the appearance of its surface for example: The surface of the sandpaper has deep slopes and the surface of the paper has to move up and down those slopes to proceed, causing friction. My first test will be done to measure the affect of weight on the amount of friction between the block and the table top. The block ill be placed on the table and the Newton meter tied to it. Then the Newton meter will be pulled until the block starts to move and as soon as it does the amount of Newtons required to cause that movement will be recorded. This will be done 5 times then averaged. To make sure it is a fair test I will: use the same Newton meter and the same wooden block to avoid introducing other variables; I will also use the same section of table using the same side of the block every time. I will be vigilant of how I pull the Newton meter, the moving force should be parallel to the supporting surface because pulling it up will lessen friction and pulling it down will increase friction. I predict that as the weight on the block increases so therefore does the down force, increasing the amount of friction because it becomes more difficult for the ridges to pass over each and so a block with less/smoother ridges would find its passage a lot easier. When the experiment was carried out, as I predicted, when the weight on the block increased so therefore did the Newtons required to move it from a fixed position. The test was done with 2 Newton meters over 2 days. Using the same Newton meter was impossible as it broke. My results were as follows: Weight of block = 2. 0N Weight T1(N) T2(N) T3(N) T4(N) T5(N) Average(N) Block. Block + 5N 2. 8 3. 5 4 3. 5 3. 6 3. 5 In the first experiment weight was tested and a set of results produced. In this second experiment the surface area in contact with the desk will be tested. To obtain my results I will use the following method, the block will be placed on two sheets of paper a measured distance apart with a Newton meter tied to it. The block will then be pulled and as it begins to move the amount of Newtons required to cause this will be recorded. Each test will be done 5 times then averaged. To make sure it is a fair test I will; as the same Newton meter ensuring non-introduction of new variables, use the same side of the block, use the same two pieces of paper and make sure the blocks movement is parallel to the supporting surface. I predict that as the surface area of the block exposed to the desk increases so will the amount of Newtons required to move it because there will be more sharper ridges to pass over therefore requiring more Newtons. My results were as follows: Exp mm2 T(n) T2(n) T3(n) T4(n) T5(n) Avg(N). My prediction on 1 or 2 of the results was correct or partially correct but on the whole I fear my prediction was incorrect as it seems the surface area (exposed to the desk) does not greatly affect the amount of Newtons that is required to move it, any affect it does have is not continual and seemingly erratic. The friction experiment has now been done with 2 variables: weight and surface area. I have now come to the third and final, surface texture. To test the affect of surface texture on friction, I will, Place the block on the surface with a Newton meter tied to it, the meter will then be pulled and as soon as the block shows signs of movement I will record the amount of Newtons needed. Each test will be done 5 times then averaged. To make sure it is a fair test I will: unless it breaks use the same Newton meter, I will use the same block and the same side of the block every time, I will use the same substance/type of substance for instance making sure the sandpaper comes from the same sheet. I will also keep the movement of the block parallel to the supporting surface. Although smoothness is hard to measure I predict that the smoother a substance is to the touch, the less friction will be produced, because the smoother a substance is to the touch the less sharp or outstanding the ridges are, therefore the less resistance they cause. Key Substances: Silicon based carbon paper: Si Emery paper: Bs Sand paper: S Table top: TT Plastic Bag: Pb Substance T1(N) T2(N) T3(N) T4(N) T5(N) Average S As I predicted the smoother a substance feels to be, the less it causes resistance, as shown in the results. I followed my method very strictly any variation caused by my hand is small to negligible, and would not greatly affect the results. I have come to the conclusion that for a substance to reach minimal resistance it can achieve this being light weight, smoothly textured and have minimal contacting surface area with the opposing surface. If a substance is required to have maximum resistance it would be the opposite. I feel the experiment was performed rather well but there is room for improvement, to have maybe got fairer more accurate results I could have maybe repeated the experiment once or twice on all of them, then I would have more data to analyse giving me a better chance at accuracy. In all the three experiments instead of using the human hand to pull the Newton meter use a machine which would be less prone to inconsistency and use a table top free of blemishes. In the second experiment the block could have been placed on previously constructed platforms each measured to have 4 sides the same and those sides to be the measurements used meaning the non need of paper and a lot more accurate readings.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Philosophy - Are we Willing to Accept the Changes that Philosophical T
Philosophy - Are we Willing to Accept the Changes that Philosophical Thinking can Bring? Philosophy is a general overview of how our society functions, by how we think and the many ways in which we act. It can also be described as the love of wisdom. As individuals we are introduced to ideas that test our knowledge of the different concepts of life, with questions such as who are we and why were we brought here? Philosophical questions have made an impact on us with thoughts that don't usually have an answer to the question which was brought forward, and to which neither side knows the answer to. For thousands of years mankind has questioned the origins of human life and the nature of the cosmos. Over the years, great philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle philosophized such questions as: What is the meaning of life on Earth? What were the circumstances that caused us to wonder about why we are here? And which method for searching for the meaning of life do we prefer? Such questions have also boggled my mind. The philosophy of one’s life, can only be answered b y that person whom it consumes. Philosophy and our daily lives are closely linked to each other. At work and or school we are sometimes bombarded with questions that may occasionally affect our way of thinking, and in some cases our moral beliefs. In the community, we are subjected to things that become integrated into our lives, and we are left with the agony of trying to figure out the right or wrong answer, wh... Philosophy - Are we Willing to Accept the Changes that Philosophical T Philosophy - Are we Willing to Accept the Changes that Philosophical Thinking can Bring? Philosophy is a general overview of how our society functions, by how we think and the many ways in which we act. It can also be described as the love of wisdom. As individuals we are introduced to ideas that test our knowledge of the different concepts of life, with questions such as who are we and why were we brought here? Philosophical questions have made an impact on us with thoughts that don't usually have an answer to the question which was brought forward, and to which neither side knows the answer to. For thousands of years mankind has questioned the origins of human life and the nature of the cosmos. Over the years, great philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle philosophized such questions as: What is the meaning of life on Earth? What were the circumstances that caused us to wonder about why we are here? And which method for searching for the meaning of life do we prefer? Such questions have also boggled my mind. The philosophy of one’s life, can only be answered b y that person whom it consumes. Philosophy and our daily lives are closely linked to each other. At work and or school we are sometimes bombarded with questions that may occasionally affect our way of thinking, and in some cases our moral beliefs. In the community, we are subjected to things that become integrated into our lives, and we are left with the agony of trying to figure out the right or wrong answer, wh...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Consumer Behaviour †Product Line Extension Essay
Created by two avid surfers, Billabong is a brand designed by surfers, for surfers. In 1973, Billabong offered little more than a small range of surf wear: mainly surfboards and board shorts. But today, Billabong is a brand that encompasses the Australian surf culture by offering products that cater not only for the surfer inside many of us, but for fashion and lifestyle needs. 1.2 CURRENT TARGET MARKET Billabong is a brand that offers numerous products designed to accommodate numerous lifestyles. Included in their extensive range are products designed for surfers, general beach goers, skateboarders and the fashion conscious. Comprehensive characteristics of this market are difficult to pinpoint, however, it is the assumption that the majority of consumers are males and females aged between 12 and 35 years of age. Consumer Need: Social Image Need – the most important need satisfied by Billabong 1.3 CURRENTLY SOLD In the mid 1980’s, just over ten years since the birth of Billabong, the successes of the small Australian brand were being recognised world wide and Billabong products were in high demand. This led to the export of Billabong products to the global market with countries such as the USA, Japan, New Zealand and Europe first in line. Today, the product range available extends as far as 2200 lines in Australia, 1300 lines in the US and many more in over 60 other countries. It is not unusual that the greatest distribution of Billabong products is to coastal destinations. However, countries locked by land are given the opportunity to live the Billabong experience with products available on-line and in assorted stores around the world. 1.4 PRICE RANGE Billabong products appear at the higher end of the price spectrum for the overall market, and are moderately to high priced as compared to their surf brand competitors. Some examples of how Billabong measure in the market are illustrated below: Girls Thongs: Billabong – $17.95 Mermaid Sister – $19.95 Target $4.00 Men’s Jeans: Billabong – $120.00 Quiksilver $139.95 Jeanswest $65.00 Beach Towel: Billabong – $69.95 Aztec Rose – $39.95 Bonds $29.95 1.5 MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLE The single most important environmental variable affecting Billabong is ‘Culture’; defined as †a set of values, ideas, artefacts and other meaningful symbols that help individuals communicate, interpret and evaluate as members of society†(Blackwell et al. 2001). Products are largely designed, as outlined in section 1.2 and Appendix A, for a surf/sun/style culture which is seemingly ubiquitous in Australian living. 1.6 PRODUCT EXTENSION Billabong Skinwear: a Skin-care range including sunscreen, lip-balm and after sun-gel. This range meets the highest Australian standards in sun protection whilst also providing the essential style that Australians have come to know and expect from Billabong products. 2.0 SECTION B The target audience for any given product or service is the group of people that advertisers wish to attract through their marketing activities. The process of identifying and defining an audience leads to assessing priorities. For instance, a firm may identify a sizably large group or market to be potential consumers. However, it is likely to be financially unsound to attempt to target all consumers within the group. A target audience may be established by asking questions such as: Which audience is large enough to be a significant target? Which audience is a priority in terms of the brand’s product? Which audience is the target of the product’s attributes and benefits? A target audience may be defined by their age, gender, family status, lifestyle, interests or a combination of these characteristics. It is noteworthy that a target audience invariably differs from the overall target market and is generally only a segment of a given market. For example, Billabong would target consumers (both male and female) between the ages of around 12 – 35; but different segments of this broad market are more likely to purchase than others. It is desirable to develop demographic and psychographic profiles of these likely consumers (the target audience). Accurate details of a target audience can only be obtained by means of credible market research practices. However, inferences and assumptions can be made beforehand to aid any research. Some of the demographic characteristics of the Billabong target audience are, as mentioned previously, males and females between the ages of around 12 – 35 (although advertising is usually specific to one particular gender as seen in the example of Appendix A). Such individuals are predominantly situated in coastal regions where the beach/surf/sun culture thrives (as clearly demonstrated in Appendix A), although there are significant deviations from this trend especially in recent times with such a broad, climate and geographically unbiased product range spanning some 2200 lines in Australia alone (Billabong International 2004). Economic factors can sometimes play a role in defining a target but in this case the audience is not necessarily limited to any specific economic traits; for example, income brackets are not easily defined for consumers as Billabong International offers such a variety of products satisfying both functional lifestyle needs and fashion influenced desires, hence the user’s likelihood of purchasing is expected to be more dependant on the psychographic factors of consumer motivation, motivational intensity and consumer knowledge. Consumer motivation represents the drive to meet physiological and psychological needs via purchase and consumption of products (Blackwell et al. 2001, p.233). Billabong customers are likely to be driven to satisfy their social image needs and needs for pleasure. They are expected to have a high motivational intensity to fulfil these needs so as to willingly overcome the price barrier associated with doing so. The target consumers for Billabong have a relatively high level of consumer knowledge regarding their chosen product. The concept of consumer knowledge involves individuals pre-existing knowledge and perceptions related to product purchase and consumption. These consumers have a high awareness of the products attributes and associations, such as the famous waves symbol, the obvious ties with surfing and pro surfing and the companies Australian origins. They have a familiarity with the products image within the marketplace. They associate the brand with high quality, high fashion and are prepared to bear the comparatively high price. This target audience is aided by the purchase knowledge they hold regarding Billabong’s price positioning; that is, the company is in the high price range compared to the overall market but is moderate to high in price when evaluating surf brands (see Section 1.4). These consumers are also equipped with knowledge on when and where to buy – aware that the products are available in specialty surf-specific stores and can rely on a least two sales each year at the end of summer and winter. Although expensive research is often the most accurate way of developing a targeted marketing approach, it is always beneficial to attempt to identify expected consumers as early as possible in a marketing plan. Whether you utilize extensive demographic and psychographic research or just use common-sense, â€Å"the key is to identify a group or groups of potential customers that offer the best opportunities for business potential†(Defining Your Target 2004). 3.0 SECTION C 3.1 THE BILLABONG COMMUNICATION MIX A successful communication mix is essential in the marketing of any brand or product to consumers. This ties in with the familiar four P’s of marketing which are price, place, promotion and product. The most important factor relating to the concept of the communications mix is promotion. Examples of promotion include: personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, publicity, direct mail, advertising, sponsorship, branding and distribution of samples. A good communication mix ensures that the brand receives adequate exposure whilst also targeting the appropriate audiences (see Section B). For many large corporations, their logo is an integral part of their marketing activities. This unique identifier will be present throughout all forms of visual marketing communication and is a powerful statement in itself. An obvious example of such would be Nike with its ‘swoosh’ symbol. Similarly, the famous Billabong ‘waves’ are present throughout the Billabong communication mix. 3.2 PRINT ADVERTISING Currently there are a number of communication methods that are used by Billabong. Products are featured in a number of magazines such as Dolly, Girlfriend, Chik and Cosmopolitan, who predominately market to the female segment of Billabong’s target audience. Print advertisements also feature in more male oriented publications such as Ralph and FHM and can be seen in specific surfing magazines such as Surfing. The combination of these promotional activities effectively reaches the specific audience that Billabong targets. 3.3 BROADCAST ADVERTISING Broadcast advertising is very limited and is likely to only be featured for events such as special surfing related events such as the Billabong Pro surf championships. 3.4 INTERNET PROMOTIONS Internet promotions are one of the most extensive ways in which Billabong advertises. On almost every Billabong advertisement featured in the aforementioned media, the Billabong web address is present; ‘’. The website shows the entire product list, which are available for purchase online. The website is not just limited to the Australian audience. It also caters for different products and prices suitable for different regions around the world, including: North America, South America, Asia and Europe – representative of Billabongs growing international presence and successful utilisation of the internet in market places around the world. 3.5 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL Associated to Billabong is a highly influential reference group who effectively act as a promotional tool. These are pro surfers such as Layne Beachley, Alana Brennan and Andy Irons. This reference group gains credibility for the brand by using Billabong products. Billabong promotions use these public faces to give testimonials as the attention gained by having expert’s approval is invaluable in the fight for consumer preference. 3.6 POINT OF PURCHASE DISPLAYS Point of purchase displays are frequently used by Billabong. In surf shops such as City Beach Surf (Garden City, Whitfords City), Billabong products are grouped together in the store whereas in Brothers Nielsen (Garden City, Perth, Whitfords City), the Billabong are grouped alongside competing brands by category. From the marketing perspective of a reputable manufacturer, it is more desirable to have the clothes grouped by brand rather than by category as this allows consumers to search for the specific brand they wish to purchase. 3.7 IS THIS COMMUNICATION MIX APPROPRIATE? Print advertising utilised by Billabong is appropriate and effective as the magazines that they feature in are targeting similar or overlapping audiences. Promotions and promotional material aid in increasing public familiarity with the brand. This has been achieved by attaching the Billabong name and logo with events such as the Billabong Pro and other surfing events worldwide. Celebrities, especially movie stars, television actors, entertainers, and sports figures, can be very powerful assets to any marketing and advertising campaign (Blackwell et al. 2001). Billabong uses famous surfers Layne Beachley, Alana Brennan and Andy Irons to achieve higher credibility within the surfing world. Another powerful promotional tool is the brands website. Generation â€Å"X†and â€Å"Y†are very likely to search the internet for products that they wish to purchase, as it allows them to shop in the comfort of their homes without the effort of searching different stores to find certain products or information. Internet Promotions are seen to be effective because of the increasing frequency and effectiveness of e-commerce in today’s globalised market place. The website is easy to use, easy to find and is prevalent in all the advertising material; increasing consumer knowledge of the website. Broadcast advertising for Billabong is likely to have a limited effectiveness. It has been shown that only 19% of television viewers actually watch the advertisements shown during a show (Lach, cited in Blackwell 2001, p. 438). Bearing this in mind, and realising that the target audience is a relatively specific one, it is doubtful that the audience will be reached on a frequent basis via this medium. 3.8 CHANGES TO COMMUNICATION MIX We believe that Billabong should implement a number of various changes to the current communications mix in order to launch the Skinwear range. Procedures such as distributing free samples would be effective in increasing: awareness of the product, its function of reducing the effects of sun exposure and the positive associations of the brand. An increase in Billabong sponsored events will lead to increased exposure of the Billabong name and will provide an excellent opportunity to introduce consumers to the product extension line. The Skinwear range can be officially launched by specifically attaching the name of the new product (Skinwear) to a Billabong sponsored event. On its launch, the previously mentioned method of sample distribution can be used to full effect. The launch of Skinwear will coincide with the increased marketing activities surrounding the entire Billabong range during the summer holiday season. An effective way of maximising the benefits of this situation would be to utilise POP displays, perhaps combined with promotional gift packs. 4.0 SECTION D 4.1 PRODUCT CONCEPT As a well recognised and trusted surf brand, Billabong is endeavouring to branch out into the skin-care market, in particular: sun-care to further cater to its customers lifestyle needs. Like the rest of the world, Australia as a society has become heavily health and image conscious; as demonstrated from the many articles, advertisements, new products and spending increases based in the Health and Cosmetic Industries. Billabong has made the decision to extend their existing product range in an attempt to take advantage of this new demand for health and beauty products. In doing so, Billabong has created its ‘Skinwear’ range which includes a Sunscreen, Lip balm and After-Sun Gel all of which meet the high standards set by the Australian Government and Australian Cancer Council. Included in the Billabong Skinwear range is a Sunscreen boasting an SPF or Sun Protection Factor of 30, shielding the skin from harmful UV rays 30 times longer than our skins natural defences are able to. Through the introduction of past innovative products, Billabong has become known for its dedication to meet and exceed the needs demanded by their surfing clientele; hence incorporating an 8 hour water protection attribute into this product. This feature allows surfers and beach goers the chance to enjoy their lifestyle without the concerns of having to frequently reapply sunscreen. The combination of 30 SPF and 8hrs of water resistance will instantly place the product at least equally, in terms of functional attributes, at the top of the market. Billabongs new Skinwear range also includes a Lipbalm featuring an SPF of 15. As a means to widen the target audience, Billabong’s new Lipbalm is free of colour and taste, removing added hesitation in the male demographic. For easy application, the Lipbalm is packaged in a squeezable tube, making for easy and mess-free application; all of which is very handy when applying at the beach. Incorporated into the After-Sun Gel is an aloe extract. According to Steve Herman (2004, p.54) â€Å"aloe remains a genuinely useful healing agent widely accepted by the public†. In order to meet consumer requirements, aloe is a feature in the After-Sun Gel product. It is merely a last resort that consumers would ultimately require a product to soothe the effects the sunburn; however, as Plato quite accurately stated â€Å"The most we can teach people is what they already know†. This statement defines the need for a product such as After-Sun Gel, as it is expected that even with the existence of a Sunscreen as provided by Billabong; consumers are likely to use the product ineffectively every now and then. Pat Thomas (2004, p.16) declares â€Å"the sun is now officially the enemy – against which sun creams are our weapon of choice†. According to figures given on the Australian Cancer website ( 374,000 Australian’s are treated for non-melanoma skin cancer every year. This figure accounts for 1.9% of Australia’s entire population. More alarming is that an additional 8,500 Australians are diagnosed with a melanoma, of which 1300 will die as a result. Such frightening statistics generate the question; are members of Australia’s beach and surf culture taking appropriate steps to protect their skin from such devastating consequences? Pioneers in serving this beach/surf culture, Billabong attempt to make their consumers aware of the harmful dangers associated with long term exposure to the sun and its effects. In doing so, Billabong offers such products as available in their new Skinwear range to protect the physiological needs of their consumers as well as removing the quite apparent social negativity involved in wearing and applying sunscreen. 4.2 TARGET MARKET REVISITED It would be unwise for a brand such as Billabong to extend an already successful product range if there was any reason to believe that it would not be as successful as the collective existing products. In accordance, Billabong has created a Skinwear range that not only extends the well recognised image of the brand but also the values and attributes that a consumer would associate with any of its other products. For instance, Billabong is renowned for its high quality surf-related products, innovative style and up-to-date fashion. A marketing approach to increase the popularity of Billabong products is to promote consumption as more than an experience, but rather a statement of image and self-expression. It is for this reason that the slogan for the new Skinwear range reads: â€Å"Wear Billabong, even when you’re naked†. As identified in Section B, Billabong’s key target audience extends between males and females aged between 12 and 35. At these ages, it would not be inaccurate to suggest that a major factor in the purchase and consumption of surf brands and their related products is whether the product links consumers with the desire to fit certain image and style demands. The surf and beach culture is dominant in the lifestyles and images of Australian people. This, in effect, further intensifies the need for many consumers to conform. Australians are becoming more obsessed with their health and appearance. Appearing on Australian networks week by week are television shows that promote cosmetic surgery, crash diets, new health risks, advanced pharmaceuticals and much more. It is not surprising that consumers in the demographic of 12-35 years of age are identifying a need to improve and maintain beauty and health. The links between sun exposure and skin damage have been extensively researched in Australia, as it appears that compared to other geographical locations, Australian people are more susceptible and at risk of suffering, due to the consequences of living in such a sun exposed location. When taking into consideration the various issues relating to sun exposure and skin damage, Billabong decided to create their Skinwear range. It is expected that with an informative and effective marketing campaign, existing Billabong consumers will see the need to execute a diligent skin protection regime, in turn utilising the products that are now offered by Billabong. 4.3 ATTITUDES In order for this product extension to be successful, Billabong has attempted to seize the large target audience that already purchases and consumes their existing product range. It is suggested by Blackwell et al. (2001, p. 289) that â€Å"holding a favourable attitude toward a product is almost always an essential prerequisite in order for consumers to hold a favourable purchase of consumption intention†. In saying this, it is not expected that the consumer will automatically purchase the product, but that they will hold a favourable intention which may assist in their decision. Several models are used to aid marketers of company’s such as Billabong to analyse consumer attitudes and their associated effects on product evaluation and choice. Better known as the Fishbien Model and Ideal-Point Model, marketers of brands such as Billabong are given important information from consumer’s responses. In many cases, this leads to new product developments as is the case of Billabong, where certain needs not catered for are alerted to designers. In order for Billabong to avoid consumer’ attitudes becoming impartial between brands, it is essential to do whatever it takes to achieve â€Å"Attitude persistence†¦ [where] an attitude’s immune to such corrosion†(Blackwell et al. p. 300). It is likely that the need for products such as that offered in Billabongs Skinwear range will never be made redundant, purely because the risks associated with having lives revolved around the sun are not diminishing in number and neither are the risks associated. The greatest obstacle faced when introducing Billabongs new Skinwear range is changing consumer’s preferences, in effect, â€Å"recruiting competitor’s customers†(Blackwell et al. 2001, p. 301). A strong feature of the Skinwear range is its SPF rating and Water Resistance. In order to â€Å"recruit competitor’s customers†Billabong must be effective in changing consumers attitudes, drawing on favourable attitudes held about their existing product range, as well as emphasising comparisons between their new product extension and other existing brands – hopefully in favour of their products. 4.4 CONCLUSION Billabong recognises the importance of consumers needs to ‘be protected in the sun’. After all, it is the expectation that having consumers who exude a lifestyle surrounded by surf and beach that these needs will as some point require satisfying. As a highly regarded surf brand, Billabong places importance on fulfilling consumer’s needs for safety and health. In recognising the gap in its product range, Billabongs new product extension, boasting a highly protective Sunscreen, Lipbalm and After-Sun Gel, continues their commitment to meet the demands of its consumers for the coming summer season. 5.0 SECTION E To examine the decision making processes experienced by a consumer it is practical to use the Consumer Decision Process (CDP) Model which defines seven likely stages involved in any purchase. The CDP model â€Å"†¦represents a roadmap of consumers’ minds that marketers and managers can use to help guide product mix, communication and sales strategies†(Blackwell et al. 2001, p.71). All consumers are not strictly bound by this model in making their decisions, but are likely to undergo at least some of the following stages: The Consumer Decision Process Model In the case of Billabong, to ensure the success of their product line extension and the associated marketing activities; it would be beneficial to hypothesise the probable processes of their target audience in becoming loyal users of the new product. Such predictions may be made by examining the stages of the CDP model. The first stage of the model, need recognition, involves the consumer sensing the difference between their ideal and actual state of affairs. Billabong will aim, through straight-forward advertising and other marketing communications (as outlined in Section C), to undermine the user’s perceptions about the adequacy of their existing state and will hence create a problem that must be solved. Advertising will include the contrasting negative consequences of not using the product (such as skin damage and/or cancer) with the altogether positives outcomes associated with using the new product. Such benefits include a high level of skin care and also positive social image. With so many choices and more and more variables affecting consumer decisions, especially for low-involvement products such as sunscreen, it is expected that previous loyal followers of the Billabong trademark will factor their positive experiences and high levels of satisfaction into their decision to use Billabong Skinwear. The second stage involves searching the marketplace for information on products and alternatives. The loyal Billabong consumer will find themselves undergoing components of both an internal and external search and will then move on to assess evaluative criteria as outlined by the third stage; pre-purchase evaluation. It is in this stage that these particular consumers are likely to conclude Billabong as the better alternative. The target audience, whether undergoing an external or internal search will find Billabong to be at least equal (see Section 4.1) to its competitors in terms of its products attributes whilst the positive associations with the Billabong brand will ensure that Billabong Skinwear is seen as the superior alternative. It is the intention of Billabong to extend its dominance into the new market and it is hoped that consumers eliminate the need for extensive searching in order to simply transfer loyalty into this new market. There are two paths that will lead a consumer to the fourth stage of the purchase decision. They may either systematically travel through the previous three stages leading to an obvious choice to purchase, or they may avoid the first three stages altogether and simply purchase the product based on an instantaneous decision influenced by prior ties to the Billabong brand. An example of such may be seen in impulse purchasing, where point-of-purchase (POP) displays may play a significant role. The fifth stage; consumption, is likely to occur seasonally as sun protection is demanded mainly in summer. However, loyal consumers such as those outlined in section B are perhaps the more likely of any one in the market to use the product as suggested by Billabong and its experts – all year round. Stages five and six; consumption and post-consumption evaluations are likely to have a positive, satisfied response from consumers when taking into consideration Billabongs efforts to transfer loyalty from past experiences into the new products evaluation. The last stage, divestment, holds no definitive expectations from those marketing the new product. The only aim is for the target consumers to consume the product completely and not discard it in preference for a competing brand before the end of its useful life The transition of loyal users to the new product (as summarized in this section) demonstrates how varying influential factors will alter the processes outlined in the Consumer Decision Process (CDP) Model. Whether it be the testimony of industry experts or the word of mouth (WOM) distribution of the positive brand image, it is clear that it will be more than possible to transmit the loyalty of the brand into the new product extension line. 6.0 REFERENCES Billabong International 2004. Retrieved: September 30, 2004, from 06/12/1086749947661.html?from=storylhs. Blackwell, D.R., Miniard, P.W. & Engel, J.F. 2001, Consumer Behaviour 9ED, Harcourt Inc., Florida. Defining Your Target 2004. Retrieved: October 4, 2004, from Herman, S. 2004, ‘A day at the beach’, Global Cosmetic Industry, vol. 172, no. 8, pp. 53-54. Retrieved: October 13, 2004, from Proquest. Thomas, P. 2004, ‘Behind the Label: Suncream’, The Ecologist, vol. 34, no.6, Retrieved: October 13, 2004, from Proquest.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Media Violence Prevalence And Effects On Society . American
Media Violence: Prevalence and Effects on Society American adolescents spend a major amount of time consuming media, weather that is watching television or a movie, playing a video game, or even scrolling through social media apps. This is a large exposure to the media and its content including the violence presented on so many media platforms. Media has become so standard in everyday life that many people have become addicted to it. The targeted group of this addiction is the children since they are most influence able at an early age. Some of the violence shown are so close to reality or have become reality. It makes you wonder why the media violence is not being censored. For over many decades, Americans have grown concerned on the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Multinational, multimedia corporations have a huge financial interest in promoting the consumption of violent media around the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Simmons 13). So essentially all the entertainment companies are banking on the American society, even if it is damagin g the minds of some people. Some may argue that these companies are giving the viewers what they want, but how can they possibly know what viewers want when media is everywhere. For example, the movie industry claims to be diverse but seems to follow the same stereotypes and claim this is what viewers want. However, society is never given the chance to express how they feel, but are forced to watch what is produced. The media has complete control over what is mass produced and society. The conglomerates only care about who they advertise to and how they do it for their financial gain. The youth is targeted when it comes to marketing, media and this is accomplished by age compression. Age Compression is the marketing to the twelve and under crowd, pitching violence to gain attention. These corporations will disregard any moral unethical tactics for their own purpose. The multimedia industries have been asked to regulate the violence that is displayed, but this would not help ratings or their pockets. With many people being exposed to excessive amounts of media violence, the question is asked, does media violence have harmful effects? The answer is yes, it has damaging effects on society andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children873 Words  | 4 Pages According to the Media Education Foundation, once a child reaches eighteen years of age, they have witnessed around 200,000 acts of violence and 16,000 murders ( Our society loves entertainment and a grand portion of this entertainment contains violence. Children constantly consume violent visuals, due to their prevalence. Majority of our society is uninterested in the effects of media violence since its effects do not show immediately. 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